报告人:潘克家 教授(中南大学)
时 间:2021年10月12日17:00开始
地 点:数统院307室
报告摘要:In this paper, an efficient cell-centered extrapolation cascadic multigrid (CEXCMG) method is proposed for solving large linear system of equations resulting from finite volume (FV) discretizations of three dimensional anisotropic diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients. One of the novelties of this paper is a new approach for obtaining vertex values by interpolating the cell-centered ones, which avoids solving local linear system of equations even with arbitrary diffusion tensors. Another main novelty of this paper is a new cascadic multigrid solver based on a prolongation operator, the newly developed explicit gradient transfer method,and a splitting extrapolation operator for solving 3D anisotropic diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients.
报告人简介:潘克家,教授,博士生导师,中南大学数学与统计学院副院长。湖南省“芙蓉青年学者”,湖南省杰青。国家一流本科专业建设点--信息与计算科学专业负责人,湖南省计算数学应用软件学会秘书长,中国地球物理学会地球电磁专业委员会委员。长期从事计算数学与勘探地球物理学的交叉研究,科学出版社出版专著1部,现已在J Comput Phys、 Comput Methods Appl Mech Engrg、J Sci Comput、Geophys J Int、Geophysics等期刊发表论文80多篇,论文引用一千多次,H指数为17。主持3项国家自然科学基金,1项国防基础科研核科学挑战专题项目。参与国家“863”计划重点项目、国家重点研发计划等重大项目多项。