
麓山数学教育论坛(第二十五讲,2022/11/08 19:30-21:30,报告人:蔡金法教授)

发布人:日期:2022年11月01日 09:31浏览数:

报告题目: What Research Says About Teaching Mathematics Through

          Problem Posing (P-PBL)


报 告 人:蔡金法(美国特拉华大学 终身讲席教授)



报告摘要:There has been increased emphasis on integrating problem posing into curriculum and instruction with the promise of potentially providing more and higher quality opportunities for students to learn mathematics as they engage in problem-posing activities. In this presentation, I will discuss what research says about teaching mathematics through problem posing. In particular, I will address the following questions: (1) What does teaching mathematics through problem posing look like? (2) What is problem posing, anyway? (3) What is a problem-posing task? (4) How should teachers handle students’ posed problems in classroom instruction?  (5) How can teachers be supported to learn to teach through problem posing? (6) What is the effect of P-PBL instruction on teachers and students? Hopefully, the ideas shared in this presentation can serve as a springboard to encourage more scholars to engage in problem-posing research so that we can provide more opportunities for students to learn mathematics through problem posing.

报告人简介:蔡金法博士是萧山人,目前是特拉华大学凯瑟琳和大卫·霍洛威尔终身讲席教授(Kathleen and David Hollowell Professor),美国教育研究协会(AERA)终身Fellow。曾任《数学教育研究杂志》(JRME)主编。2017年,他荣获特拉华大学文理学院杰出研究奖,这对于数学教育研究者而言是历史性的,因为数学教育研究者首次获得如此有声望的奖项(同数学和自然科学研究者竞争)。2018年,他被授予韦伯奖,以表彰他对特拉华州数学教育的重大贡献。他的研究获得了来自美国国家科学基金会(NSF)、美国教育部和斯宾塞基金会(Spencer Foundation)等近1000万美元的科研资金支持。



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