
概率统计系列报告(2023/6/12 10:00-,报告人:周晓文)

发布人:日期:2023年06月05日 15:07浏览数:

报告时间2023/6/12 开始时间: 10:00


报告题目Skew Brownian Motion with Two-Valued Drift and its Applications in optimal control

报告摘要We consider a skew Brownian motion with two-valued drift as the unique solution to stochastic differential equation driven by Brownian motion and symmetric local time process at level a with drift coefficients and skewness. We find Laplace transforms of exit times for the skew Brownian motion, and consider an optimal control problem in which we look for an optimal dividend strategy that maximizes the expected accumulated present value of dividends until ruin for the skew Brownian surplus process. We identify conditions for different barrier strategies to be optimal and observe that certain band strategies involving two dividend barriers can be optimal.

报告人简介周晓文教授, 1999年在美国加州大学Berkeley分校获统计学博士学位。现任加拿大Concordia大学数学与统计系终身教授。长期从事概率论与随机过程理论的研究,主要研究兴趣包括测度值随机过程,Levy过程及其在种群遗传学和风险理论中的应用。先后在《 Annals of Probability》《Probability and Related Fields》《Journal of Differential Equations》《Canadian Journal of Mathematics》《Theoretical Population Biology》《Stochastic Processes and their Applications》《Journal of Theoretical Probability》等国际顶级概率刊物发表论文80余篇。

上一条:科学计算系列报告(2023/6/7 16:00–18:00 报告人:张弘)

下一条:概率统计系列报告(2023/6/3 14:30-15:30,报告人:柳振鑫)

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