

发布人:日期:2019年06月12日 10:36浏览数:




报告题目:Convex polytopes and minimum ranks of   nonnegative signpattern


报告人:李忠善教授  (美国乔治亚州立大学数学与统计系)

报告时间:619 日下午3-4







报告摘要:A sign pattern matrix (resp., nonnegative sign patternmatrix) is a matrix whose entries are from the set $\{+, -, 0\}$ (resp., $ \{+, 0 \}$). The minimum rank (resp., rational minimum rank) of a  sign patternmatrix $\cal A$ is the minimum of the ranks of the  matrices (resp.,rational matrices) whose entries have signs equal to the corresponding entriesof $\cal A$. Using a correspondence between sign patterns with minimum rank$r\geq 2$ and  point-hyperplane configurations in $\mathbb R^{r-1}$ andSteinitz's theorem on the rational realizability of 3-polytopes, it is shownthat for every nonnegative sign pattern of minimum rank at most 4, the minimumrank and the rational minimum rank are equal. But there are nonnegative signpatterns with minimum rank 5 whose rational minimum rank is greater than5.  It is established that every $d$-polytope determines a nonnegativesign pattern with minimum rank $d+1$ that has a $(d+1)\times (d+1)$ triangular submatrix with all diagonal entries positive.  It is also shownthat  there are at most  $\min \{ 3m, 3n \}$ zero entries inany  condensed nonnegative $m \times n$ sign pattern of minimum rank 3.Some bounds on the entries of some integer matrices achieving the minimum ranksof nonnegative sign patterns with minimum rank 3 or 4 are established








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