
概率统计系列报告(2023/12/1 14:30,报告人: 唐伊丽)

发布人:日期:2023年11月28日 09:22浏览数:

报告题目:Transportation Economics and Pricing

报 告 人:唐伊丽 博士 (加拿大西安大略大学助理教授)

报告时间:2023121 1430开始


报告摘要:Transportation economics addresses the impacts of transportation sector development in economy, the travel activities and the social welfares in the society. Transportation service and system has always been to connect people, link settlements and structure communities which is the key drivers in economy. Over the years, transportation theories and modeling has been a reliable tool to provide tractable quantifications (such as congestion costs) and pioneer new findings (such as crowding effects) in economics. Nowadays, transportation is evolving rapidly driven by technology innovations, market expansions and big data deployments.

This research seminar will feature the travel behavioral modeling, the economic analyses in transportation and their inter-connections. The seminar topics will address actionable insights and informed decisions in urban commuting, demand management and congestion costs in transportation systems, involving equilibrium analysis, microeconomics and pricing strategies in transportation. The seminar will also explain the interdisciplinarity among transportation engineering, economics and operational research to address complex dynamics in transportation systems to build the new era of smart cities and communities.

报告人简介:唐伊丽博士毕业于香港科技大学,本科毕业于中南大学。研究方向主要集中于1)交通系统优化和韧性分析;2)交通经济与博弈政策设计;3)多维大数据与人工智能;4)能源与气候变化,合作论文于2021年被评为Transportation Research Part B年度高引用文章之一(2018-2021),以及Multimodal Transportation最佳论文奖。

担任加拿大国家自然科学基金和社会科学基金评审委员,以及多个国际专业协会执行理事会成员(board member)及常任委员(committee member),包括 运筹与管理科学协会 (INFORMS)、加拿大土木工程协会 (CSCE)国际交通工程师协会 (ITE)、和 美国交通研究学会 (TRB)


上一条:微分方程与动力系统系列报告(2023/12/9 8:00- 报告人:郭千桥 )

下一条:分析系列报告(2023年11月28日,9:00-10:00, 报告人:周渊 )

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